"These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." - John 16:33
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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

When the other shoe drops.

Have you ever heard the saying, "Waiting for the other shoe to drop." ?  That's the way I think we have felt since Peanuts diagnosis.  Here we had a beautiful toddler with a new diagnosis of Autism, and then we had this beautiful new baby girl.  One of the first questions we had was, "What about Sassy?" 
      As we learned more about Autism I felt we were in the clear.  She didn't show any signs and was meeting all of her developmental milestones, sometimes even earlier than expected.  She spoke early, walked early, she makes eye contact, she socializes with adults and peers, she has great pretend play skills and really is a smart little girl! (Intellectual ability is not a sign of Autism, but I had to add that in there.  It really does blow my mind how smart she is!)  As she has gotten older and we have learned more about other disorders, such as SPD (see my 2/28/11 post), I have come to notice some things about Sassy that stuck out.  She toe walks intermittently throughout the day, she demands that the radio be turned off at different points in a day, she tantrums for no reason (that I can see), she won't eat certain textures of food, she hates getting dressed, and will only agree to a diaper change standing up.  She hates car seats (being strapped in), swings are difficult, she is more disagreeable when under florescent lighting, and the list goes on...
      I mentioned these things to Peanuts Sensory Integration Therapist and her response surprised me.  I was expecting, "That's typical 2 year old behavior, no worries mom."  but the reality was, the other shoe was about to drop.  His therapist took as second and then said, "Yeah, I think you might be right, I have noticed she has some issues with transition, and if it's effecting her function in the world then you should have her evaluated."  
      In January Sassy also began to have big stomach issues.  She began to experience severe stomach distention and vomiting.  These symptoms have brought us to the Emergency room with her twice (per the advice of our pediatrician).  She has had xrays and ultrasounds and all they can find is an extreme amount of gas.  She's on a very restricted and healthy diet and we really can find no reason for it so far.  Things have improved but we have to be very careful.  If she gets too much sugar, look out for Mount Vesuvius! ( Maybe a yeast issue?)  So we did the over bearing parent thing and called the Pediatrician demanding a referral to a specialist.
      When we were on our way to have Peanut evaluated on the day he was diagnosed, all I kept saying was, "Worst case scenario is they diagnose him with Autism, but that won't happen."  On that day the world as we knew it was shattered into a million pieces.  I then reserved myself to saying, "At least Sassy is okay and we don't have to worry about her!"  Now a year and 2 months latter, here we are, therapy central, and we are now adding another therapy appointment, another co-pay and more doctors.  Not only will Sassy begin her new therapy this month, but she will also be seeing her first Specialist.  Next Tuesday we will be making the trip to see a Pediatric GI doctor to try to figure out whats wrong with her belly.  If they don't help then it's off to the Naturopath we go!  sigh....what can I say...that shoe has dropped and hit the floor.
      On the bright side, Peanut is improving, Sassy is going to get the help for her sensory issues early, and you know what, we can do it.  I'm constantly reminding myself, it could always be worse...and it definitely could be!  It's fitting that the week we did Sassy's phone intake for her SI eval, and she goes off to see a specialist that our memory verse in Our Little Home School is, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13.  And you know what....we can.
"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10

God Bless!

Mommy Provost

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