Have you ever had one of those days when your 5 year old is just as defiant as defiant can be and refuses to do anything you want them to do?
Have you ever had one of those days when not one but BOTH children manage to pee through a diaper in public and are suddenly soaked into their shoes?
Have you ever had one of those days when no matter what you do it seems there is more to be done?
Have you ever had one of those days when you are in a store and look at something for a fraction of a second and your toddler is gone? You find him quickly, but that momentary feeling of fear is enough to ruin anyone's day.
This was a small snip it of my day yesterday. It wasn't the greatest day, actually I would venture to call it an all around BAD day. Near the end of the day when I was driving home with my tired little ones I had a chance to stop and reflect back. Now I had a choice, I could stew on all the things that caused me to believe I had a bad day and let this bad day pull me into a worse mood; or I could try to look on the brighter side. The way I see it, staying in a bad mood won't help a thing, but finding a happier disposition would definitely make it easier to deal with the situation. On the surface that seems like it could be a tall order but we are told, "in everything praise God." ("give thanks in all circumstances, for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:18) So, I took a closer look.
Yes, I woke up late and was late all day, but I got enough sleep to survive the day and we DID get to every appointment (albeit late, but we made it). PRAISE GOD!
Yes, my 5 year old wouldn't do a thing I asked him to do, but that's actually a good thing. He has a developmental delay, and this is typical 4 and 5 year old behavior. He's catching up! Not only that, but there are many children out there who can't speak or express themselves at all, but my child CAN. PRAISE GOD!
Yes, BOTH children pee'd through their outfits today but I had a change of clothing with me (for both of them), and they didn't pee on me! PRAISE GOD!
Yes, today did seem like no matter how much I did there was still more to do, but (God willing) there is always tomorrow. PRAISE GOD!
Yes, Peanut wandered away from me in a store, and it was scary, but I found him in less than 30 seconds safe and sound. PRAISE GOD!
Suddenly I felt better. No matter how bad it seemed yesterday, it could have been much worse. No matter what comes our way we are to PRAISE GOD. We may not understand it all, or why...but praise Him anyway because we know that He inhabits the praises of His people. ("But you are holy, O you that inhabit the praises of Israel." Psalm 22:3) I don't know about you, but I would rather God be right by my side at all times, and so I will PRAISE HIM.
Great insight! Praise God indeed!